What to pack for lunch?

Lunchtime is hard. There are always many greasy, calorie-loaded options available. We do have a cafe available to us with many healthy choices, so we’re ahead of the game there. You can get a healthy salad, you can have a low-fat sandwich, you can have something lean grilled… There are many possibilities. For the days when I’m brown bagging it (or re-useable lunch container-ing it because we love the planet, right?), though, I’ve found that doing something simple often works best.

This week I’m starting out with chopped veggies. For some reason, if I cut my carrots in julienne-style sticks, it just feels like more of a treat. The extra 3 or 4 minutes makes the baby carrots a little bit tastier (or maybe I’m just a bit wacko). I added some steamed broccoli and then sliced some green olives (heart-healthy fat!) and a hard-boiled egg (protein!). I’ll probably add a little bit of leftover quinoa mix for some whole grain. And woo hoo! We’re in business with a nicely balanced meal.

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